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Updated: Jun 23, 2022

Legend has it, it's best to leave them alone

Pukwudgie, translates to “person of the wilderness", and are considered to be spirits of the forest. They are said to live in the wilderness throughout North America. Native Americans believed that pukwudgies were creatures that had once lived in harmony with humans but had turned against them. They featured in the folklore of many different tribes, from the Wampanoag tribe to the Algonquian tribe. And according to various legends, it was best to leave the creatures alone.

They were said to be small creatures, ranging from knee-high to about three feet tall, with human-like features, but with larger ears, noses (sometimes seen as having a canine snout), and fingers. They have skin that is smooth and a greyish tint; they have often been compared to trolls and goblins. Though their appearance may be unsettling, they are known to have a sweet, almost floral, scent. They are also known to wield bows with poisonous arrows.

Pukwudgies use a variety of tricks to tease or hurt people, ranging from mischievous to murderous. Pukwudgies are considered capricious, much like the legendary leprechauns. An annoyed pukwudgie may just subject you to unsettling tricks, then again, they may also steal your child or push you off of a cliff. Some believe pukwudgies could lure you into the woods, deeper and deeper, by using magic or creating fire, only to have you meet your doom. They are believed to be able to appear and disappear at their own discretion.

Depending on who you ask, or which tribe, their powers vary. Aside from their various tricks to confuse humans, they have a tendency to stalk someone that annoys them and can go as far as use their magic to cause memory loss. They had the power of invisibility and in some stories could transform into creatures considered to be dangerous, such as mountain lions, bear cubs, and others. They can transform into any combination of animals, as well as their most common, half-human and half-porcupine. The scariest rumor of their power is that they would obtain power over the spirits of anyone that suffered death by their hands.

An interesting fact about pukwudgies that I did not previously know was that pukwudgies are commonly found in areas with other forms of paranormal activity. Linking them from Texas up to Indiana; with sightings at Round Rock and the Moundsville State Penitentiary which is said to be haunted (respectively). Another common sighting of them is near the home of axe-murderess, Lizzie Borden, close to Fall River. The sightings in the woods of Massuchusetts have been so prevalent that police have actually erected a sign near the Freetown State Forest stating "Pukwudgie Crossing".

Submitted by Phreak


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